Each year, millions of birds are captured from the wild or produced in captivity for commercial profit or human amusement. The Avian Welfare Coalition started their National Bird Day Campaign aims to reduce the suffering of birds and increase public awareness of the destructive bird trade.
To learn more about the issues regarding captive birds go here.
For more information about bird mills and bird sales go here.
To find out more about Wild Bird Conservation go here.
This event takes place every year on January 5th. Add this event to your Google Calendar.
National Bird Day is an annual event created by The Avian Welfare Coalition in 2000.
Take a trip to see parrots in their natural habitat and support conservation organizations working to protect wild parrots.
Educate children about the plight of captive birds and the importance of conservation. One way you can do that is with the Avian Welfare Coalitions children’s book “Lucky.” You can find out more about that here.
Another way to celebrate is by not patronizing stores that sell birds or use them for display. Let them know why you are taking your business elsewhere.
Distribute AWC educational materials.
Visit, like and share the National Bird Day Campaign Facebook page.
If you would like to support reputable bird rescues and sanctuaries, you can find out more about them here.
Some recommended organizations include:
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